The Health Benefits of Braces
Learn why braces help with more than just aesthetics.
For most people, the decision to wear braces is related to aesthetics. Who wouldn’t want a beautiful smile with straight teeth that can be shown off proudly? It’s important to know that braces also provide a host of additional benefits – including improved health – both in the short term and for years to come.
Improved Daily Care
Teeth that are properly aligned are easier to brush and floss, and effective dental hygiene habits decrease the risk of tooth decay, bone erosion, cavities, periodontal disease, and other issues. Nothing is better for your oral health than proper daily care, and braces are a great way to make that care easier than ever.
Speaking With Ease
Extremely misaligned and gapped teeth can make it difficult to speak clearly. Once your teeth are straightened, the associated speech difficulties will be lessened dramatically or removed altogether.
Enhanced Digestion
You’ve probably heard that each bite of food should be chewed 10, 15, or 20 times before swallowing to make it easier for your body to digest. So, if uneven teeth are causing difficulties with chewing, it may also impact your digestion. As braces straighten your teeth, you’ll be able to chew food properly so your body can break it down efficiently.
Increased Confidence
In addition to the physical benefits, braces have also been shown to increase confidence. If you’ve had crooked teeth, you may have tried to hide your smile in photos and in front of friends. A straight, beautiful smile can give your self-esteem a boost.
There’s no question that braces offer far-reaching advantages. If you have problems speaking, chewing, brushing or flossing, or if you’re embarrassed by your smile, call us at Adirondack Orthodontics and schedule your complimentary consultation today. We’d love to help you enjoy the functional, attractive smile you’ve always wanted!