Summer and Orthodontics

Six Expert Tips to Help Protect Your Child’s Smile While School Is Out

For many kids and teens, summer is a time to let go of worries and enjoy things like sports, camps, and socializing before school starts again in the fall. While this is true for kids who have orthodontia, they will have at least one thing to remember: taking proper care of their smiles. After all, when you invest so much in treatment, you’ll want to make sure your child takes care of their device so that your investment pays off.

At Adirondack Orthodontics, we want to equip our patients with the tools they need to care for their smiles. Patients who don’t properly care for their orthodontia could prolong their treatment, and that’s the last thing any of us want. Check out six things you should help your child do this summer to keep their braces or Invisalign in great shape.

1.Create a Routine

Since school’s no longer in session, your child’s usual routine will be thrown off kilter. Help them establish a new daily routine so that they’re brushing and flossing like they should, even without the habit of doing so while getting ready for school. Proper oral hygiene is crucial for preventing cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues that can interfere with orthodontic treatment.

2. Invest in a Mouthguard

If your child has braces and participates in sports or any summer activities that could damage their mouth, we suggest buying them a mouthguard. You should also be checking to ensure they’re wearing it during every game and practice.

A mouthguard is not needed with Invisalign treatment.

3. Buy a Travel Kit

No matter where your child goes during the summer months, they should have access to tools like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and wax. If they have Invisalign, they should bring along their trays and case. Help your child come up with a plan to ensure these vital items get packed, or purchase a separate travel set to ensure nothing gets left behind.

4. Avoid Sticky, Hard Foods

Just like during the school year, your child should stay away from sticky and hard foods to avoid breaking brackets and getting food stuck between their teeth. Taffy, corn on the cob, nuts, pretzels, and pizza crust are just a few examples of foods they should stay away from. Make sure family barbeques and team parties have plenty of healthy, tasty braces-friendly summer alternatives so your child doesn’t feel left out.

5. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, but it’s especially important when wearing braces. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if they’re spending time outdoors in the summer heat. Not only will this keep their mouth hydrated, but it will also help rinse away food particles and bacteria that can accumulate around braces.

6. Have Fun!

Orthodontia shouldn’t stop your child or teen from taking part in the activities that make summer so fun! As long as you and they follow these tips, your child can have a wonderful break until September, when they’ll be that much closer to the end of their treatment and their ideal smile.

We hope these tips help! If you need any more information or guidance, be sure to contact our team at Adirondack Orthodontics. We are also standing by to help with any orthodontic emergencies your child may have this summer.

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