How to Clean and Maintain Your Invisalign Aligners

Essential Tips for Invisalign Maintenance and Care

Whether you’re currently undergoing orthodontic treatment or you’re still considering it, you’re probably already aware of how to care for your teeth by brushing and flossing them each day. What you may not know, however, is how to properly care for your Invisalign aligners.

While braces stay on your teeth for the duration of treatment, Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners or trays that should be worn around 22 hours a day. When you’re not wearing your aligners, it’s generally because you’re eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. But these times are also the perfect times to care for your aligners!

Each time you remove your aligners, you should clean them. Getting into this habit early will make it more likely that you’ll remember to do this throughout your treatment. Invisalign recommends you use one of the following methods to clean your aligners: cleaning by hand with a toothbrush or soaking your aligner in cleaning crystals. Learn about each method below!

How to Clean Your Aligners by Hand

If you would like to clean your aligners by hand, the process is simple. First, rinse off your aligner. Next, use a soft toothbrush and mild toothpaste to brush all sides and wires of your aligner. Finally, use lukewarm water to rinse your aligner and get rid of any remaining toothpaste.

How to Clean Your Aligners with Cleaning Crystals

Invisalign’s cleaning crystals come in individually wrapped packages and will keep your aligners clean and free of odors and stains. Clean your aligners using the following steps:

  1. Rinse each aligner with tap water.
  2. Fill your designated container with enough warm water to cover the aligner.
  3. Add a packet of cleaning crystals to the container and shake or stir to dissolve them.
  4. Place the aligner in the container and let it stand for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  5. Shake/agitate the container for 20 seconds.
  6. Rinse the aligner and container.

Ensure your smile’s clarity and hygiene with Invisalign maintenance

Failing to take care of your Invisalign aligners can damage your aligners and your teeth, so it’s important to clean them often using the proper techniques. Follow the guidance above to ensure your aligners are hygienic and free of stains and odors. If you need more information or if you have questions about taking care of your aligners, turn to the team at Adirondack Orthodontics.

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