Orthodontic Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Learn the truth about orthodontics in our blog.

Whenever we get new patients, we tend to hear the same sorts of misconceptions about braces and Invisalign from them, like the cost comparison or the speed of treatment. Today, we’d love to go over a few of the common myths about orthodontic treatment so you’re better informed and able to make the right decision about your own orthodontic care!

Myth: Only adults can use Invisalign

Fact: Invisalign can be used by children, teens, and adults alike! In fact, Invisalign even has a specific type of tray designed for patients who still have baby teeth and erupting teeth.

Myth: Invisalign is always faster than braces

Fact: Braces and Invisalign work at the same speed. The results you get and how fast you get them depend on factors like how faithfully you wear your aligners.

Myth: Invisalign is significantly more expensive than braces

Fact: Invisalign and braces can both be affordable, especially when you get orthodontic treatment from an office that takes most types of insurance and offers discounts like we do. A straight, healthy smile is an investment, but Invisalign isn’t vastly more expensive than braces.

Myth: All aligners are the same

Fact: You may have seen advertisements for DIY aligners, but don’t be fooled by them. Because the process isn’t overseen by an actual orthodontist, you could be putting your teeth and oral health at risk. In addition, many of these other aligner systems simply aren’t built the same, resulting in a lower level of comfort and more noticeable visibility.

Invisalign, provided by experienced orthodontists, is the most well-known and well-regarded option for good reason! At Adirondack Orthodontics, we take it a step further: we’re an Invisalign Diamond Provider, which puts us in the top 1% of providers.

Myth: You can’t play sports when you have braces

Fact: While you do need to wear a mouth guard to protect your braces and teeth, you can still play sports with braces. Wearing a mouthguard is a great idea for many athletes regardless of whether they’re currently undergoing orthodontic treatment or not.

Myth: You can’t enjoy your favorite foods during orthodontic treatment

Fact: While it’s true that traditional braces often require a diet change, Invisalign aligners have changed the game forever! Since Invisalign can be removed during meals, there is no need to change your food selection as you would with traditional braces.

We hope this blog post has been informative! If you have any further questions about braces or Invisalign or would like to schedule an appointment for yourself, feel free to give us a call. Adirondack Orthodontics proudly serves the Albany, Clifton Park, East Greenbush, Glens Falls, Latham, and Schenectady areas.

Know Your Orthodontic Options: Braces or Invisalign?

Review the difference between braces and Invisalign.

You’ll consider a variety of factors when deciding what orthodontic treatment best suits your needs, including your budget, lifestyle, and goals. No matter which treatment you select, you can trust that the team at Adirondack Orthodontics will guide you through it at one of our six convenient locations. We’re trusted throughout the Capital Region to provide top-notch braces and Invisalign to New Yorkers.

See the main differences between metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign below to start thinking about which option is right for you.

Braces: The Traditional Option

Patients and orthodontists have trusted braces for decades for a good reason: braces straighten teeth and give patients perfect smiles. At the start of the treatment, the orthodontist applies brackets to the teeth. Then, wires are placed to connect the brackets. During each appointment, these wires are tightened to slowly move the teeth into the desired positions.

An affordable choice, braces may work best with your budget. Another advantage of getting braces is that you don’t need to remember to take an aligner in and out; braces go wherever you do! You can also get a fresh look with every appointment by choosing colorful bands that let you express your personality or celebrate the season. And if you choose clear bands, your braces can be less noticeable.

Invisalign: The Best Option

Invisalign has become extremely popular in recent years. In fact, over 15 million people have chosen Invisalign to address their orthodontic needs! This treatment involves a series of clear aligners that slowly move your teeth into the desired positions. Since the aligners are clear when they’re in use, this is the most discreet option. The aligners are also removed when eating, so patients can continue to enjoy all their favorite healthy foods.

At Adirondack Orthodontics, we’re proud to have earned the distinction of being a Diamond Invisalign Provider, which means we rank among the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the country!

Braces vs Invisalign: Comparing the Key Factors

  • How Much They Cost: While the costs of both Invisalign and braces vary, Invisalign tends to be the more expensive option. However, it’s important to factor in dental insurance coverage and available discounts before you determine which option is more affordable for you and your family.
  • How They Look: One of the most common reasons our patients choose Invisalign is that it’s a discreet option. Invisalign comes in a series of clear aligners, while braces involve metal brackets being placed on the teeth for the duration of the treatment. If you want a less obtrusive treatment, Invisalign may be the best option for you.
  • How They Feel: Moving your teeth into their proper positions, no matter the method, can be an uncomfortable experience. However, braces tend to be a little more uncomfortable because brackets are not just placed on the front of teeth but around the back molars as well. This can result in discomfort inside of your mouth.
  • How Convenient They Are: Braces are easy to manage because your orthodontist does all the work during your appointment. Invisalign requires you to take the aligners on and off and use them in the correct sequence. However, this also means that Invisalign makes it easy to floss and brush your teeth, and you won’t have to forget any of your favorite healthy foods. Braces require you to limit or stop eating certain foods and maneuvering a toothbrush and floss around the brackets and wires can be difficult.
  • How Well They Work: Fortunately, following your orthodontist’s instructions will mean that Invisalign and braces are equally effective. When it comes to the end result, you don’t need to choose one over the other.

See What’s Best for You – Call Us for a Consultation

You can trust that our team will give you the perfect smile with the treatment that works best for you. The best way to determine which one will suit your needs is to call or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We can provide you with an exam and let you know the advantages of each type of treatment and recommend one for you.

With convenient locations in Albany, Clifton Park, Latham, East Greenbush, Glens Falls, and Schenectady, Adirondack Orthodontics is your trusted orthodontic clinic in New York. Let’s work together to achieve your best smile!

Simplify Cavity Prevention with Invisalign

Proper oral hygiene is necessary no matter your orthodontic solution, however, there is a treatment that makes keeping up with your hygiene a bit easier: Invisalign. Invisalign involves a series of clear plastic aligners custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually move them into position. The aligners can be taken off as needed, whether you are taking photos for a special event, eating a meal, or brushing and flossing! 

Whether you decide to pursue traditional braces or cutting-edge Invisalign, read these tips for preventing cavities and caring for your teeth throughout your treatment with our expert orthodontists in Albany and the rest of the Capital Region.

Brush After Every Meal

Regardless of your orthodontic treatment method, it is essential to maintain consistency when brushing your teeth. While it may be an adjustment learning how to brush around your braces, your effort will pay off in cavity prevention! If you are looking for a way to make dental hygiene easier to keep up with, consider Invisalign, as your aligners can be removed, allowing you to brush your teeth with no obstacles. 

We recommend brushing your teeth after you finish eating. Your toothbrush should be small and flexible, able to navigate around your braces. For best results, brush using the following technique:

  • Use a circular motion to brush the teeth, focusing on the outside and inside of your teeth.
  • Spend time brushing the crowns of your teeth, where you chew your food.
  • Be sure to brush around all wire brackets to remove food particles.
  • Don’t forget to brush your gums, tongue, and cheeks.
  • Rinse and spit as needed.
  • Brush for a minimum of two minutes.

Floss At Least Once a Day

Flossing with braces doesn’t have to be as tricky as it might seem. A water pick can make flossing a breeze, but even without one, you can properly floss your teeth. If you have traditional floss, take enough of it out to wrap around each index finger. Use floss threaders or move the floss by hand under the wires to get between the teeth, and floss using a “C” motion.

Even with all the tricks mentioned above, many people find that flossing with Invisalign is easier, as you can simply remove your aligners and floss your teeth normally. No matter which orthodontic treatment you choose, however, you’ll come to find that as your teeth are brought into alignment, it becomes easier to floss between them. 

In addition to flossing daily, we recommend bringing floss wherever you go in case you need to remove something from your teeth or brackets when you’re not at home.

The Benefits of Treatment with Adirondack Orthodontics

In addition to helping you achieve your ideal smile, braces bring you to our office for routine visits. Our Albany orthodontists will examine your teeth during these appointments, adjusting your braces and monitoring the health of your teeth. We will be able to identify any issues, like developing cavities, before they get worse. However, the proper brushing and flossing techniques will keep your teeth in great shape and save you from needing any fillings. 

If you need more information on the proper care methods, don’t hesitate to contact us or ask during your next appointment at Adirondack Orthodontics! Still haven’t started your journey to your ideal smile? Set up a consultation to get braces in Albany or any of our other Capital Region locations today! 

Invisalign: a Graduation Gift That Keeps On Giving

See a Change in Your Smile in Less Than 6 Weeks!

As graduation season draws near, students have plenty of things on their minds, from summer plans to higher education to entering the job market. Spring will involve lots of preparation for the future, both short and long term. When it comes to planning for success, nothing is better than investing in the health of your teeth and gums.

You deserve to celebrate all you have accomplished and to do so with a smile. Graduation involves special events and photos to mark the occasion. If your smile isn’t all you want it to be, Adirondack Orthodontics can help you prepare for this momentous occasion, helping you to change your smile in less than six weeks!

Carefully Planned, Expertly Executed

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that can provide quicker results than typical solutions like braces, with treatment taking an average of six to eighteen months to complete. In many cases, minor results can be seen in less than six weeks. And, while faster than traditional braces, Invisalign is a process that’s anything but rushed. Plus, treatment can begin the same day as your consultation! Your treatment will be monitored by your orthodontist to assist you in achieving the smile you have always wanted.

A More Discreet Option

Invisalign aligns the teeth using clear aligners that can be removed as needed. All you need to remember is that your aligner should be worn at least 22 hours a day. While this rule is normally only relevant to times when you’re eating, it could come in handy when it’s time to attend your graduation, take pictures, or go for job interviews. And since the aligners are clear, you’ll be able to look back on your graduation photos and see your beautiful smile – which is a memory you’ll hold on to forever.

Conveniently Located & Flexible

If you would like to learn more about all the progress you can make in your orthodontic treatment leading up to graduation, get in touch with Adirondack Orthodontics today to set up a FREE consultation and 3D Scan! We have multiple locations throughout the Capital Region, so you can schedule appointments at your convenience during this busy season. We look forward to giving you a smile that you’ll be proud to show off during graduation season and far into the future!

Types of Invisalign

Find out which type of Invisalign will work best for you

By now, you’ve probably heard about Invisalign, the modern orthodontic system that uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to help you get the smile you want. But what you may not have known is that there are several different types of Invisalign. Your age, the condition of your teeth, and the types of problems you’re facing are all factors that you should consider as you decide which type of Invisalign you’d like to use for your treatment.

Take a look below at the different types of Invisalign to get a better idea of which treatment may be right for you. And when you want to find out for sure, turn to the orthodontic experts providing Invisalign throughout the Capital Region: Adirondack Orthodontics!

Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Lite is the go-to option for those with mild to moderate dental concerns such as overcrowding and alignment issues. Clocking in at a treatment duration of six to seven months, this option offers a relatively quick path to a straighter smile. If you’re dealing with a crown or seeking to address a minor dental imperfection, Invisalign Lite could be the perfect fit for your needs.

Invisalign Teen

For young adults whose smiles are still a work in progress, Invisalign Teen steps in as the ideal solution. These aligners are specifically designed for adolescents, taking into account the ongoing development of their teeth. Equipped with indicator dots, they provide clear guidance on when it’s time to switch to the next aligner. This option is particularly beneficial for teens who require assistance with straightening their teeth while accommodating for those that have yet to fully emerge.

Invisalign i7

Invisalign i7 shines as the treatment of choice for individuals grappling with overcrowding issues. With a concise treatment plan spanning three to six months, this option delivers swift results using just seven aligners. Perfect for addressing mild orthodontic concerns, Invisalign i7 offers a streamlined approach to achieving a more harmonious smile.

Invisalign Full

When it comes to tackling more complex dental issues, Invisalign Full emerges as the frontrunner. Tailored for adults requiring comprehensive realignment, this treatment typically spans 12 to 18 months. Whether you’re contending with extensive misalignment or other advanced orthodontic challenges, Invisalign Full offers a comprehensive solution for aligning both upper and lower teeth.

We are here to help you find the right Invisalign treatment option

No matter the severity of your overcrowding or misalignment or how far you are from your ideal smile, Invisalign has a comfortable, discreet option you can choose to get the perfect smile. As always, your team at Adirondack Orthodontics would be happy to provide a full clinical examination and help you decide which treatment to choose. We can even go over the cost and financing information so you can make a plan to achieve the straight, beautiful, and healthy smile you’ve always wanted!

Schedule your free Invisalign consultation today!

Considering Invisalign? There’s Never Been a Better Time

Should I get Invisalign?

If you’ve dreamed of straightening your smile, improving your health, and raising your self-esteem, now is a great time to get started. Why? With a number of advantages well-suited to the current environment, Invisalign is the perfect choice for treatment.

Fewer office visits, with continued monitoring

Start with fewer visits to the office. During the course of orthodontic treatment, an Invisalign patient will typically make 4 to 8 office visits, as compared to 12 to 18 visits for those with traditional braces. If you’re concerned about being out in public during the COVID-19 pandemic, Invisalign is a great way to minimize the time you spend in the office.

Importantly, even though you’ll make fewer office visits, you’ll continue to be monitored regularly by a doctor. With Invisalign, virtual appointments work well in between office visits as a way to track progress and adjust treatment, if needed.

Doctor-directed care, a faster process

By working with an educated, trained and skilled orthodontist, a patient is receiving doctor-designed and directed care. This approach is far superior to do-it-yourself treatment, which includes only token participation by a professional. You wouldn’t trust your physical health to an online provider; why would you consider it with something as important as your oral health?

In addition, Invisalign can often help you achieve your goals fastest. As compared to traditional braces, Invisalign has at most the same treatment duration, and in many cases, can successfully conclude the process faster.

Keep in mind, traditional braces remain an absolutely safe and effective way to straighten teeth. Since reopening in June, our offices are following all applicable health protocols to ensure appointments are conducted safely, and we have had no issues with in-office treatment. Still, we know some patients want to limit outside exposure, and if that’s you, Invisalign is a great alternative.

Top 5 Reasons To Get Invisalign

  1. Speech & Phonetics – Since your mouth isn’t full of metal, brackets, and rubber bands, you are able to better pronounce and articulate your words when you speak.
  2. Low Maintenance – One of the biggest advantages to Invisalign is that you can take the aligners out at mealtime. Traditional braces are difficult to clean, and food is easily trapped in between the wires & brackets. For cleanup, simply rinse and soak your aligners in the official Invisalign cleaning solution – that’s it! You should always brush and floss before wearing your aligners.
  3. Improved Oral Health – Invisalign aligners, just like traditional braces, don’t just work to make your smile pretty. Orthodontics is all about aligning your teeth properly so that you can live your life pain-free and confidently. Invisalign aligners have been proven to help with facial, jaw and even neck pain in some patients. Properly aligned teeth allow for better bone structure and healthier gums which both are important factors in oral health.
  4. Multi-Use – Invisalign aligners can double as teeth whitening trays and they can even be used as protection against teeth grinding! Talk about getting more bang for your buck. Who doesn’t love a great deal?
  5. Better Cleanings – If you hate going in for your semiannual teeth cleanings, then you’re in for a treat! After completing Invisalign, your teeth are not only straighter, but they become easier to clean. Straighter teeth are easier for your hygienist to clean and floss, resulting in less time in the dentist’s chair.

The Invisalign Advantage

Adirondack Orthodontics is one of the Capital Region’s leading providers of Invisalign treatment, and if you’re interested, we’d love to talk to you. We invite you to learn more about Invisalign by clicking here, or to set up a complimentary consultation by calling us at (518) 512-3001 or contacting us online. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Visualize the Perfect Smile with SmileView™ from Invisalign

Picturing the idealized version of your own smile can be difficult. Everyone is different, and your perfect smile will look different from someone else’s. Instead of looking at before and after pictures of other patients and hoping you get the same results, utilize SmileView™ to simulate your new smile. You’ll love what you see!

SmileView™ is Invisalign’s way of demonstrating what they can do for you! Simply take a selfie with your smartphone or tablet and submit it through SmileView™. Once you’ve provided a photo, SmileView™ uses a special algorithm that utilizes the data from over 6 million cases to determine the projected outcome. Within minutes, you will be sent a computer-generated image showing how your teeth will look after your Invisalign treatment. One minute is all it takes to see yourself with the perfect smile.

Adirondack Orthodontics will soon be a recommended orthodontist through Invisalign’s SmileView™ tool. Envision exactly what your new smile will look like with your own facial features by using Invisalign’s SmileView™! If you like what you see, schedule an appointment at Adirondack Orthodontics to begin your treatment.

6 Convenient Locations